
Million Vet March Unhappy with Cooption by Wingnuts

HoosierHoops10/14/2013 7:26:54 am PDT

OT: Just returned from my MRI. First off.. Still can’t get registered for Obamacare… WTF is going on there? So I have really good insurance anyway but my out of pocket costs today was 1700.00. I went though 2 registrations and several ladies at desks processing paperwork. The last one had me fill out those standard papers about my medical history.
So you are telling me that the Hospital couldn’t have transfered all that data directly from my Doctor’s records?
He could have just logged in with my history and register me for a MRI. That would eliminate about 3 jobs right there. A proper Database would have printed copies for each dept and print my barcode wrist band with a press of a key. It cost thousands of $$ to get zapped by a magnet for 15 minutes.
How many on the staff just process insurance forms all day?
Put me in charge of the medical industry for one year..All I ask is one freaking year.