
Video: Elizabeth Warren Says TPP Deal Is "Rigged"

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈4/23/2015 11:23:22 am PDT

re: #4 Charles Johnson

One of the main objections to the deal I’m seeing is the emphasis on intellectual property rights β€” but do these people realize how completely out of control piracy and theft of IP is in the Asian countries that are part of the deal? It’s absolutely rampant, and this definitely hurts the US economy, big time. Getting some control over this situation is a GOOD thing, not a bad thing, and if these countries will finally agree to respect the property rights of US creators that will be historic.

Yes, I have issues with some of the way the DMCA works. But the US is being badly hurt by the copyright chaos in Asian countries.

When they roll copyright back to 28 years, I’ll accept the US dictating copyright terms. As it is with copyright locking down our culture to protect profits instead of the public good, I can’t support it.