
Donald Trump's Muslim Immigration Ban Starts Tomorrow, by Fiat

EPR-radar1/24/2017 6:20:48 pm PST

re: #19 Hecuba’s daughter

Reposted from dead thread downstairs:

In general, we are not supposed to demonize entire groups of people; you shouldn’t blame an innocent person for evil committed by others in the group. But that rule doesn’t apply to all groups: there aren’t “good” Nazis or “good” members of the KKK. My question is: have we reached that point with Republicans? Should they all be held responsible for what any member says or does?

IMO they absolutely have. The entire Republican party is rotten to the core, and Trump is the best evidence of this. Trump won the GOP primary by appealing to the very worst in human nature, and this success was predicated on decades of Republican propaganda stoking the irrational resentments of Republican primary voters.

In the general election, a great majority of Republicans fell in line for Trump, despite Trump’s incompetence and psychosis being blatantly on display during the entire campaign.