
Beck and Scheuer: Only an Attack By Osama Bin Laden Can Save America

wkeller7/01/2009 10:06:27 am PDT

This certainly is a nice little nugget for the left to grab on to and bandy about to show what a whack Beck is. But, let’s set aside this insane fear/option the CIA guy offers and ask a simple question about illegal immigration:

Is anyone in Washington going to stop it?

“Immigration reform” is on the fast track along with carbon taxes and the socialization of our medical industry. All versions being talked about include amnesty for the criminal and their immediate family. This will bring into our country well over 30 million new “citizens”. At a time when we are loosing around 500,000 jobs per month, state and federal revenues are falling through the floor and taxes are exploding.

Just what will it take for our elected officials to actually enforce the sovereignty of our nation? Are we even a sovereign nation anymore?

Bash Beck and the CIA guy all you wish, the bottom line is that our nation is at risk of being overcome by a flood of criminals who do not give a damn about our country. What would it take for Washington to stand and say “Enough!”