
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel3/05/2010 2:55:11 am PST

re: #38 freetoken

Ahh.. the Libertarian Fundamentalist lunacy is going to the next step.

As far as I am concerned … fine, then, they are not citizens. Put them on a boat on the high seas as people without a country.

I find it pretty damn creepy. It’s one thing when we’re talking about some random wackos on a compound somewhere (not that that’s a good thing either) or some lone individual ‘living off the grid’. The connections to this weird tenther movement, and the support it’s getting from elected officials (DeMint for example) and right wing think tanks is freaking me out.
I didn’t realise the Heritage Foundation was mixed up in this:

the right-wing Heritage Foundation, a radical “tenther” organization which has endorsed the view that Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the federal minimum wage, and the federal ban on workplace discrimination and whites-only lunch counters are all unconstitutional.