
Video: The Cat Piano

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines4/26/2010 2:26:15 pm PDT

The Dredge Report: Gleanings from the Fever Swamp

Last week, a couple of back-benchers in the Illinois asked the governor to send the National Guard to Chicago to help the cops. Paulian black helicopterists have now morphed this much-ignored request into this:


with the inevitable Freeper hysteria not far behind:

“It’s a possible stepping stone for the same tactic on a far larger scale as we approach the November elections.”

“I can see where this is going. As the weather warms, the locals attack the troops, the troops defend themselves, some locals get hurt. And then the Mesiah blames the troops and replaces them with his private army.”

(Typical federal foot-dragging and incompetence. The hot season is only a few weeks away and Obama hasn’t even started on getting his army trained and equipped. How can you run a dictatorship like that?)

“This is the 1st step. Chicago, Detroit, DC crime is no worse today than last year. Rats know what Nov will bring. The only way to stop the Conservative tsunami is martial law.”