
Glenn Beck Promotes Book by Antisemitic Nazi Sympathizer

Killgore Trout6/05/2010 8:47:50 pm PDT

EXCLUSIVE: Historian criticizes Beck’s “ludicrous” embrace of anti-Semitic author

According to Jeansonne, Dilling was probably the “most bigoted woman anti-Semite of the period around World War II” and used “long-discredited conspiracy theories” — including theories advanced in the infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion — in an effort to link Communism and Judaism.

Jeansonne said that “in addition to being anti-Semitic and anti-Communist, Dilling purported the most convoluted conspiracy theories that are imaginable.” He added, “She viewed all sorts of groups with no connection or only the loosest connection as being bound together in an international conspiracy.”

“I think she was mentally unstable,” said Jeansonne.