
Index: LGF's Reuters Knife-Cropping Posts

Targetpractice6/12/2010 2:40:04 pm PDT

re: #2 Dark_Falcon

Note to Ace and Stalkers: Charles gives credit on these pages where it is due. It’s called ‘honesty’, you should try it.

Ace has apparently responded to Charles’ post, and though I won’t link to it, I’ll try to sum it up. Basically the accusation is not that Charles “steals” stories, but that he finds stuff on other sites, reproduces it on LGF, then “only” gives hat-tips. Apparently other bloggers are butt hurt that he’s not providing one line “Go here to find out about story” posts, as if they don’t pull the same shit. Also, he’s hacked that Charles is portrayed as the central blogger of Rathergate and that, because he’s not being public with demands for the media to fix that perception, it gives the appearance that Charles is taking sole credit for breaking the story.

In short, he got caught and is now trying to backtrack by saying that he didn’t mean what he said and that his position is actually “reasonable.”