
Will Bunch: Glenn Beck Rewrites Civil Rights History

Targetpractice8/27/2010 10:41:41 am PDT

re: #24 Walter L. Newton

Er… because the foundation of our many of the west’s moral codes are based on Judeo-Christian moral codes, even when transfered to a secular society. It’s a cultural heritage of most of our founding fathers In turn, the foundations of those codes can be found in even more ancient codes like Hammurabi. Thier “their 18th century, bass-ackwards morals” were a cultural and political reality that help form the moral codes that we recognize as law.

I was speaking of the pushing of archaic “morals” that are 100 years out of date on modern society as “right” because they are supposedly in keeping with the Christian heritage of our nation. Such as the suggestion that homosexuality is a “perversion” of God’s design and thus allowing them to marry inherently wrong. Or that abortion is murder because, according to The Church, life begins at conception and thus a fetus should be deemed as a living being in the eyes of the law, which is also mutated to be seen as a valid argument against embryonic stem cell research.