
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]11/09/2010 2:38:04 pm PST

re: #38 WindUpBird

Stuff like this isn’t an accident

Beck cited anti-Semitic smear that Soros pursued a Jewish “agenda” to collapse Southeast Asian currencies. On the October 5, 2010, edition of his Fox News show, Beck continued his smear campaign against George Soros, saying that “many, including the Malaysian prime minister, believe it was billionaire speculator George Soros who helped trigger the [Southeast Asian] economic meltdown” in 1997, a reference to former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad’s false and anti-Semitic claim that Soros was part of a Jewish “agenda” to collapse Southeast Asian currencies. In an October 10, 1997, report from the Malaysian newspaper Berita Harian (excerpted by BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, accessed via Nexis), Mahathir was quoted as saying: “We do not want to say that this is a plot by the Jews, but in reality it is a Jew who triggered the currency plunge, and coincidentally Soros is a Jew. It is also a coincidence that the Malaysians are mostly Muslim.” From the report:

so uh yeah! Good times!

I don’t even know how much of this is Beck and how much is just material from Fox News itself, I guess it’s sort of an academic distinction, they’re broadcasting it on their extremely popular show