
The Rapidly Escalating GOP War on Science

shutdown12/02/2010 10:13:36 am PST

re: #20 Fozzie Bear

This is just more culture war bullshit. Their base hates smart people, so they are attacking smart people. That’s really all there is to it.

This is anti-intellectualism, as only Republicans can do it.

Conservatives don’t like things they can’t control. They don’t lik people who think independently and they have a real problem with any perceived threat to the corporate structures (in this case, coal and power) which ensure their maintenance of public office and continued access to the public trough. Plus, the country is being conveniently divided for the next election cycle. On one side, those who believe in God, Manifest US Destiny, the Sanctity of Family, and the Prophetic Nature of Sarah Palin’s Pronouncements. On the other side, by exclusive extension, are Godless Scientists, Sodomists, Post Nationalists and Riffraff What Reads Books and Thinks for Itself.