
Just When You Thought Sharron Angle Was Gone (or, The Return of the Loon)

Tigger200512/13/2010 3:00:13 pm PST

re: #23 garhighway

Lumping Pearl Harbor in with the other two is just strange. Off by decades and 1,000s of deaths. Just weird.

You guys need to subscribe to right-wing e-news mailings like Newsmax and Special Guests, Inc. I guarantee you Christine O’Donnell is reading them.

Their emailing from Tuesday, Dec. 7, uses just this meme. It explicitly compares the health care plan to Pearl Harbor. I have no doubt this is where she picked up this talking point.

The following is the article the e-mail links to, at

DECEMBER 7, 2010— Sixty nine years ago today, the Japanese Navy launched a surprise attack on the U.S. military installations on Hawaii. Called “…a day that will live in infamy…” by FDR, the attacks focused on the Naval base at Pearl Harbor and killed more than 2400 Americans.

Available to be your Talk Show interview guest on this subject is Captain Jim Kinney (U.S. Navy ret.), who shares that at the very moment of the attack, Japanese diplomats in Washington were declaring their peaceful intention in the war torn Pacific. The duplicity of the moment has not been lost in history. Captain Kinney contends that President Roosevelt was right when he said Japan “deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.”

Roosevelt continued, saying “Long will we remember the character of the onslaught against us.” And he promised, “I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost but will see to it that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again.”

In a long bitter battle the United States did prevail…and now we must do so again.

Stated Kinney, “March 21, 2010 is also “A day that will live in infamy. That was the day our Congress ‘deliberately sought to deceive us by false statements and expressions of hope’, and, using every deceitful and bullying tactic available, forced upon the American people a bill whose implementation will utterly destroy the greatest health care system in the world.”

“As FDR said to the Japanese, so we say to Congress, ‘Long will we remember the character of your assault against us’. With Roosevelt of 1941, we the people today ‘assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will see to it that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again.’”

Captain Kinney puts ‘Progressives’ on notice: “November 2nd was simply the opening battle in our efforts to reclaim our constitutional government and limit your ability to steal our wages, demand we comply with unconstitutional regulations and force a socialist welfare state on our country.”

Kinney concluded, “As Yamamoto said December 7, 1942, when he learned that none of the American carriers were in port, ‘I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant’…so today, we say to our Washington elites…you have awakened a sleeping giant, we the people have joined the fight and things will never be the same again!”