
Massive Crowds Still Protesting in Egypt

lostlakehiker2/04/2011 11:02:24 am PST

re: #10 Alexzander

Honestly, its pretty normal for leaders to ignore protests. According to some estimates, 300,000 to 400,000 protesters marched in New York alone during the Feb 15, 2003 Anti-Iraq War protests (which took place around the globe and in 150 US cities). I dont think the US administration even acknowledged it.

Protests that reflect the wishes of just a
determined minority can be ignored with some impunity. They ought not be taken for the will of the people.

This is different. When Burnham Wood marches on you, it’s time to go.

re: #29 Alexzander

Why not? Not to say they are ‘equal’ but they are at the very least comparable. Huge popular uprisings against the actions of the government, that the government wasn’t particular interested in acknowledging.

They are in no way comparable. The demonstrators against the Iraq war were demonstrating against a policy that had got a majority vote in a Congress that was elected in more or less fair fashion. The nation, taken as a whole, favored the policy, and those that didn’t like it would have their say at the next election.

Even the protesters were not aiming at the overthrow of the government. They just wanted a change in policy.

Here, the demonstrators want a change in government. No more Mubarak. No more regime. Fresh start. And they speak, not for everyone, but for a supermajority.