
Obama: Libya is Not Iraq

Buck3/29/2011 11:32:16 am PDT

re: #30 jamesfirecat

To be fair to the rebels, didn’t the situation in Libya start out as a peaceful protest, which Q’Daffy responded to by starting to shoot up everyone who wasn’t supporting him?

At that point you can’t exactly fault them for not responding peacefully…

Am I wrong about any of the above?

It would seem to be important.

It isn’t the way I saw it. I didn’t see crowds of unarmed peaceful protesters in Libya. Now there is probably a good reason for that. Zero freedom of the press for one.

However, I have been watching this closely, and I never really saw or heard of thousands of unarmed civilians protesting… this started as a civil war. Near as I can see the UN jumped into protecting an armed “rebel” group, despite all the words about saving civilians… saying that there was a impending genocide, or civilian slaughter doesn’t make it so.

Did I think Q’Daffy was starting to defeat the “rebels” who were clearly gunning for him, and using real guns? Yes. Did I want that to happen? No.

BUT Libya is looking very different than thousands of civilians peacefully protesting. Syria is looking more like Egypt did.