
Fox News Debate Ringers: Anti-Immigrant Hate Group and Corporate Shill

Eclectic Cyborg9/23/2011 12:20:18 pm PDT

I’m a legal immigrant. I made the choice to come here and marry my wife. I filed all the documents, paid all the money and did everything right.

I’ve even been employed pretty much all the way through so it’s not like I came here to be a drain to society or anything.

I love much about America and the new friends and family I’ve made down here, but to think people would have me leave simply because I’m a foreigner blows my mind.

It’s almost enough to make me consider second guessing my desire to obtain U.S. citizenship. Do I really want to live in a country who feels this way about immigrants?

What the hell ever happened to the tired, poor and huddled masses?