
CNN's Dana Loesch Says Ending Friendships With People Because They're Gay Is Just Part of Being a Conservative Teen

goddamnedfrank6/07/2012 6:06:21 pm PDT

If future generations don’t abandon their childhood friends when those friends come out as gay then it’ll become a lot harder to keep maintaining gays as second class citizens. That’s what’s happened so far and now that society is past the cusp of majority acceptance the social conservatives are panicking.

This kid is a victim of the ideology that’s he’s been force fed for his entire life, but that doesn’t mean he’s not also a gigantic douchebag. Plenty of kids, most I’d wager, are able to recognize and rebel against their parent’s bigotry. Those who choose to adopt it for whatever reason, whether it’s expedience / to appear normal / go along to get along, or true brainwashed belief are either cowards or the worst kind of dull cow eyed idiots.