
Sen. Sherrod Brown Shuts Down Dana Loesch: 'Not From You I Don't'

Eclectic Cyborg6/09/2012 8:17:43 pm PDT

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Was Obama’s 57 states “gaffe” proof he was Muslim?

We learned the depths of infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood (Al Qaeda is actually a subset) into all aspects of American society – including cutting off any (even Fox) news that might expose their agenda.

He meticulously outlined the names of the perpetrators (dead and alive) and myriad universities, departments of government, and military agencies the MB has infiltrated. He flashed on the screen – The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). It has 57 member states! Two of us asked, “Is that Obama’s 57 states that we thought was a gaffe in 2008?” Guandolo responded, “You said it, I didn’t” and went on.

We are all familiar with Obama’s sympathies toward, if not belief in, Islam and his confrontations with Christian doctrine and sensitivities. Was his “57 States” remark a signal that all was well in the world of Sharia where its 58th member isn’t too far from joining its brethren?

He also stated there is not one thing the MB infects societies with that does not comply with Sharia, including its American incursions. Military and government officials at all levels take a solemn oath to “protect and defend the US Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Sharia and the Constitution cannot co-exist. Period!