
Texas Republicans Vote for Tea Party Crackpot Ted Cruz

Kragar8/01/2012 12:00:35 pm PDT

Barton: The Concept of Adolescence is an Unbiblical ‘Progressive Liberal Phenomenon’

Green: Isn’t that the difference between the Founding Era and ours today in terms of expectations? They expected you to do a lot while you were young. You didn’t wait until you were 40 to figure out what God had for you in your life.

Barton: They didn’t know what the word “adolescent” meant. And, by the way, I checked with Rabbi [Daniel] Lapin, he says that is not a word that appears in Hebrew because it’s not in the mind of God. God wasn’t into adolescence, He was in to having you become productive, having you be fruitful, having your produce and so that’s why there was no adolescence in the Founding Era; that’s a modern phenomenon, that’s a progressive liberal phenomenon is adolescence.