
Devo: Don't Roof Rack Me, Bro! (Seamus Unleashed)

Kragar8/15/2012 2:56:06 pm PDT

Limbaugh: Like Hitler, Obama And Democrats Are More Concerned With Propaganda Than Truth

LIMBAUGH: Propaganda versus truth — which wins? Well, what did — what was Hitler more concerned with? Propaganda. Did Hitler succeed for a time? Yeah, he did. What was Clinton more concerned with — truth or propaganda? What’s Obama more concerned with — truth or propaganda? Who would you say is winning? Is propaganda winning or truth winning? We, the virtuous ones in our society — we think truth wins. We have this investment in the truth. We think it’s holy. We think that it is profound, and we think it’s persuasive.

I play you three minutes of Wolf Blitzer cleaning Debbie’s clock and I get an email, “No, no, Rush, she — Ryan shreds Medicare was said I don’t know how many times.”

That’s what people are going to hear, because the fear will always trump the good. Because people react to fear.