
Axelrod: Obama 'Taken Aback by the Brazenness' of Romney's Dishonesty

Killgore Trout10/07/2012 12:50:31 pm PDT

re: #24 makeitstop

Say what? Romney reversed himself on everything he’s been saying in his speeches and ads.

I don’t recall a single campaign ad where he advocated for banking regulations or against tax cuts for the rich. Not one.

From September:

Obama vs. Romney 101: 3 ways they differ on regulation

Here’s the nuance about Mitt’s tax plan :
None of this is terribly new. If you get your information about Mitt’s policies from MSNBC and Think Progress you’re going to end up with a fairly distorted view. You may not have heard of this stuff but the Obama campaign should surely be aware of it. This is their job.