
The Creeping Expansion of Corporate Civil Rights

BusyMonster2/19/2014 9:21:28 am PST

re: #385 Ian G.

Nobody is holding a gun to their heads to work these awful jobs for 100 hours a week. If they valued their health, sanity, or personal relationships more than their bank account, they’d do something else.

People who are very wealthy have the personality traits that go with hoarding, and stealing. Frankly, to be wealthy you have to stomp over several other people, and take what was theirs, and anyone who tries to convince me differently is going to get fucking laughed in the face.

The character traits that go with high wealth also go with “asshole” and “user” and “socoiopath.” I don’t think wealthy people add anything whatsoever to our society and frankly getting wealthy means they don’t have to be civil anymore, so it’s like they got out of the “game.” Except, they don’t seem to understand that they’re still merely human beings with feet of clay. I mean listen to Donald Trump’s raging fucking ego, and then look at his “career” of bankruptcy and utter failure.

If these guys had some normal human desires, like having a beer, and spending an hour with your kid, they wouldn’t have time to suck up every last dime they see.

My personal opinion is if we don’t institute a maximum income, we’d sure as hell better institute a minimum one. I do not see what value wealthy people give to society, and we do NOT have to support them. I do not see any moral argument for letting a guy who clearly has conned many people out of their money keep it just because he bought a fucking fancy suit with it.