
Photo of the Week: Capt. Ron Johnson Joins Protesters With Picture of Michael Brown

Ian G.8/15/2014 8:40:48 am PDT

So how long did the brain trust in the Ferguson PD take to come up with the “he robbed cigars” story as a cover? Also, do officers chasing down shoplifting perps usually tell them to “get on the fucking sidewalk”? Jesus, they’re desperately grasping at straws, aren’t they? They know they’re utterly fucked when the facts come to light.

And, full disclosure, among other less-than-righteous activities I partook in as a teen, I did shoplift cigars from a CVS once to use them to roll marijuana. But I’d never be shot by the cops after the fact, nor with the RWNJ borg try to slime me afterward. Because I’m white.