
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Trump Signs an Order Denying Asylum to Muslims Fleeing ISIS

Targetpractice1/28/2017 12:47:29 am PST

re: #397 Lupin

If I had to single out one new terrifying fact, it ids this: “The US is no longer our friend” is permeating through ll kinds of very important channels.

It is not as “colorful” as some of the other abominations covered here, but is is nonetheless the greatest gamechanger I’ve ever seen in my 62 years.

Think about it: “The US is no longer our friend.” Ponder the consequences.


The logical thought process being “If America isn’t our ally, then who do we look to?” Russia and China would love nothing better than to step in and fill that role. Russia for the chance to rebuild herself, China for the chance to finally become a superpower.