
The Bob Cesca Podcast: The Fox News Employee Handbook

silverdolphin5/24/2023 9:43:21 am PDT

re: #199 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

While the Roe-shift may be real, be careful of using averages.

The “shift” is not going to be uniform across the country.

And because of the anti-democratic nature of US governance, a population shift does not mean an immediate change in who is in office.

The 2024 election is still too far away.

Though from one of my dreams (and here I must repeat, my dreams *usually* do not come true), DeSantis is the nominee, he picks Gaetz as a running mate (probably to mollify the Trumpers), and wins.

But again, my dreams are sometimes just nightmares in disguise.

I agree. It was a thought experiment to see how things might shift with an activated population. The real world will be much different. But it is nice to see that there is a possible chance that Biden could win in such a large landslide that nothing the GOP does would help them.

It is my dream

—I simply do not see how DeSantis could get more votes than Trump did in a general election. He has zero charisma, polls show people under 50 and minorities do not like him (Millennials and Gen Z will represent 44% of the voting public) and he will not bring in people who belong to the Trump cult. Biden would eat him alive in a debate.—