
The Bob Cesca Podcast: We Can't Do Anything

steve_davis1/24/2024 8:17:13 am PST

Just left some absolutely brutal feedback on Fedex. Bass was supposed to show up “signature required.” Well, as I suspected, it was delivered to the apartment below me, and nobody signed for it because I can hear whenever the door down there opens and any sort of conversation occurs. Also no knock, no ring. It is only the surprisingly ethical part of my nature that prevents me from simply going into their virtual manager and saying “Hey, I never got this, and I certainly didn’t sign for it, as the directions explicitly require.” But no, I would feel guilty playing the bass. I know there’s insurance for the seller, and Fedex makes billions, so they wouldn’t care. But it would be stealing, unfortunately. Otherwise, I’d be enjoying a free bass right now. (No chance to plug it in yet, but it’s light as a feather. Thinner neck than the Squier, and I’m guessing the wood for the body is also about ten times better and doesn’t have 2 lbs. of fill putty in it).