
'Conservatives' Who Want to Ban Books

Quella2/12/2009 4:24:14 pm PST

re: #398 FurryOldGuyJeans

Whether he goes or not isn’t up to MY opinion, its up to Dutch law and justice.

I don’t support him, period. I find his public views, no matter what the reasoning, to be reprehensible. Whether he is potentially jailed for those views is not up to me.

So you would be fine with him going to jail because of his opinions about Islam?

And you call yourself someone who advocates freedom of speech? Do you even realize the terrible precedant that would set?

There is a reason that Alan Dershowitz has defended NeoNazis in the past. (not saying Wilders is a NeoNazi) It is because of the terrible precedant of jailing people for their speech, even NeoNazi speech.