
Stephen Colbert to Glenn Greenwald: "Do You Believe There Should Be No Espionage?"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/13/2014 6:38:20 pm PDT

Earlier today, the droolies ran one of their usual hate-the-black-man posts, which is now up to near 1000 comments:

White family stalked, pummeled by black mob

Sound’s ominous, eh? And they claimed:

A family of eight, “just enjoying their Mother’s Day weekend in Savannah,” were savagely attacked by an unknown number of blacks in the Georgia city, that left several family members injured, including a 6-year-old girl who was “punched in the stomach.”

Well, here’s the actual story as linked in that drooly piece:

Family allegedly attacked on River Street

And here is supposedly a copy of one of the police reports:

That report makes it sound more like men fighting, with two of the supposed victims also having alcohol.

Furthermore, an additional news story has come out:

SCMPD: Altercation Involving Atlanta Family Not a Random Act

The Savannah-Chatham Metro Police Department has released a statement concerning a weekend incident on River Street that involved a family from Atlanta.

The family spoke to the Atlanta TV station WSB, claiming they were attacked by a “mob” of people and that even women and children were attacked, including a 6-year old girl who was punched in the stomach. However, SCMP say after reviewing the surveillance video they have determined the incident was a fight between two families, and there was, “no sign of a 6-year-old or 13-year-old child being punched.

Furthermore, if you go to that last link you will be able to view the surveillance video. What the droolies left out is that it was a fairly busy intersection, and as for the “mob” - nearly all people in the area are just standing around or avoiding the fight by walking around it.

While striking another person is a crime, the droolie story totally miscasts the event into a race war.

I wonder why?