
Another Movie Theater Shooting, in Louisiana

Mattand7/24/2015 7:11:26 am PDT

So this popped up in my FB timeline:

My response:

Problem with this sentiment it ignores the whole issue of when you wave a Confederate flag, you’re announcing to the world “I side with the traitors who wanted to keep slavery going.”

I also have my doubts that the only black kid in Peanuts would have an attitude of “I don’t think the Stars and Bars are that big a deal.”

160 years after the Civil War ended, and huge swaths of this country are still in denial about what the war was about (slavery) and who won (the non-slavery side).

I’m failing to see what’s different between the American kind of look-the-other-way attitude towards history and the shit Turkey does with the Armenian genocide. It’s willful ignorance turned up to 11.