
Video: Trump Surrogate Cites Japanese Internment Camps as "Precedent" for Muslim Registry

electrotek11/17/2016 10:01:28 am PST

re: #393 Ziggy_TARDIS

I want to be with other Muslims.

And I have no idea where I could go for that and be accepted. :’(

And then what? Be under suspicious because you’re a white convert by the majority? I know how you feel but Muslim countries in general aren’t utopias either.

This is seriously a wake-up call for Muslims in general to see how we treat minorities in our own countries. Part of why I got irate the other day with my tweet is because it brought back memories of my trips back home to Pakistan and seeing even my own well-off relatives treat the masih like garbage, as if they are subhuman. The masih are menial workers who are all Christians who were descended from lower-caste Hindus during the British colonial times and it seems like they can’t loosen the shackles of caste baggage even after all these years by everyone there.

Now they are the same people who cry about anti-Muslim bigotry here in America.

I wish I was more aware enough to stand up for them, because whether it happens here or there, we should speak out against it.

But the problem with me is that the way I speak out is not productive, I end up doing the same thing some Islamophobes do when they speak out on treatment of minorities in Muslim countries: I end up generalizing the entire community. The way I speak about it makes it seem like I’m self-loathing, and I’m trying hard not to present it that way. My heart shows that I genuinely want change, but I have to realize that I can’t alienate those who are genuinely ignorant about the injustice surrounding them.