
National Review Writer Upset Because Donald Trump Isn't Saying the Magic Words

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/11/2015 6:47:15 am PDT

Abbott fights environmental ‘lawfare’ in Australia


So-called environmental “lawfare” is putting jobs at risk, according to Australian Industry Minister Ian MacFarlane. He claims that tens of thousands of jobs would be at stake if the Carmichael mine does not go ahead - despite Adani’s own forecasts of 1,464 that jobs would be created.

MacFarlane criticized how one development project after another is apparently being held up in various Australian courts. “Environment groups are taking this war against development to a whole new level,” he said.

Ben Oquist - executive director of the Australia Institute - pointed out that of the 5,500 projects that have gone through this legal procedure, only 33 ended up in federal court.

Of those, only six were legally successful - and only two have been stopped by a third-party appeal, Oquist told DW. “It’s a deliberate distraction from the government,” he added.

Lawyers from the New South Wales Environmental Defenders Office, who acted on behalf of the Mackay Conservation Group, described the government’s reaction as extraordinary. Executive director Jeff Smith said all Australians have the right to use the courts.

“There’s no evidence that environment groups were using the courts vexatiously or inappropriately,” Smith told DW. “In fact, a review of the act after 10 years found that the laws were working well, and that the provisions should be strengthened.”


The claims of the current Aussie gov’t just don’t hold up. But don’t blame them too much, they’re just doing the bidding of their owner: