
Gallup's Darwin's Birthday Evolution Poll

Salamantis2/12/2009 9:22:02 pm PST

re: #297 aussie_dave

OK, I am sorry, I have to come out. I don’t believe in Evolution. I do believe in Natural Selection. But Evolution, no, it doesn’t make sense.

I also don’t believe in Man Made Global Warming.

Nor did I believe in Y2K.

Neither did I believe that GWB was as bad a man, a stupid person, as awful a president, as the media always informed me.

Not either do I believe that Iran is pursuing Nuclear Energy for peaceful purposes.

With all my unbelief, and my different views, what will happen to me?

Do you believe in genetic mutation? Because if you do, you believe in evolution, because genetic mutation + natural selection = evolution.

Glad to help you along on this voyage of intellectual self-‘discovery.’