
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Skinless Frank2/26/2009 8:59:56 pm PST

This is just weird. The good news, I guess, is that these beliefs do not encourage blowing up children eating pizza or people riding the bus to work.

I don’t understand how they can believe in such a limited, circumscribed god. If they don’t question His omniscience, power, goodness, etc., why do they think they know the extent of His mercy? Do they really think that He cannot do anything not written in the bible? Do they really think they know as much about God as my dog knows about me? Do they really think that the infinite and unknowable can be reduced to a set of rules? It’s as if they worship a vending machine: put a profession of faith into the slot, pull the lever of belief, pick up the salvation in the tray below. What a tiny god they worship!