
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton8/14/2009 5:54:54 am PDT

re: #388 iceweasel

OT: health care reform is basically dead.

Nate Silver reporting from Netroots Nation.


You know what’s most interesting about that article?

No, not that he pontificates that this particular health care proposal is dead. I didn’t need Nate Silver to tell me that.

What is most interesting is that I have been told here on LGF that Nate Silver is very fair in his taking apart of polls, and that he is always correct.

Well, first of all, the opening paragraph of this article removes any doubt that he has a non-partisan point of view…

“I hate to say it, but I’m generally feeling a less optimistic about health care after having some smart conversations today with some very smart people here in beautiful (not kidding!) Pittsburgh, where I’m here for the next couple of days for Netroots Nation.”

That’s a real fair polling analyst.

From Nate’s mouth to us. The next time anyone say’s Nate is a fiar reporter of the facts, RUN!