
Watch for Trolls

Walter L. Newton1/07/2010 7:56:13 am PST

re: #381 iceweasel

It does point out once again just how shitty the NYT’s coverage of American evangelicals’ involvement with Uganda’s death penalty for homosexuals was, and how those evangelicals absolutely knew what they were doing when they exported their theocratic and murderous agenda there, yes.

And it also points out how the Ugandan people better start taking a little responsibility for themselves, along with their government, and start examining what good for their culture and what’s not.

The anti-gay Christian folks are taking advantage of cultural memes, but the culture needs to take a second look at some things too. There has been a whole lot of internal Ugandan outrages to fuel enough fires without having outside agitators take advantage of the situation.

There is a lot of blame to go around.