
Photo of the Day

RogueOne9/27/2011 6:40:16 am PDT

I love this lady!:

Board OKs $125,000 settlement for woman injured by officer in traffic stop

The Metropolitan Police Department will pay $125,000 to settle a federal lawsuit filed by a woman who suffered a torn rotator cuff and neck ligaments, and three injured ribs during a 2008 traffic stop.
Looking for a parking spot, she admits considering making U-turn in front of the courthouse, 309 S. 3rd St., because she saw an open parking spot.

At the same time, she also saw motorcycle cop Goslar eyeing her. Instead, however, she found a parking spot and didn’t have to make the U-turn.

Even so, Goslar pulled up to her vehicle on his motorcycle.

“He told me, ‘You were going to make a U-turn back there,’” she recalled. “I said, ‘I was going to speed, too, but you can’t give me a ticket for it.’”

She said Goslar asked for her license and registration. She said she stepped out of her car with her documentation “he took my right arm and threw me up against the car.”

She said Goslar wrenched her right arm so high behind her back that she could see her fingers over her left shoulder. “I screamed ‘get the (expletive) off me. Where’s your probable cause?’”

He let her go then, she said, and told her she had failed to hand over her paperwork fast enough.

Goslar issued her a citation but a judge dismissed it.