
A Deep Dive Into the Work of a Comic Genius: Chuck Jones - the Evolution of an Artist

Lidane7/19/2015 9:47:35 am PDT

I had thought that Trump’s comments about McCain would be a bridge too far for the right. That some shred of decency would remain and they’d denounce Trump en masse and move forward to focusing on the serious presidential candidates. Nope. The GOP base loves this stuff. Trump’s more popular than ever. The Freepers, for example, are actively cheering him on:

I agree. Otherwise he would have been just another pilot who flew mission after mission during that time.

Quote is confusing and will be misinterpreted. Desite punctuation the words seem to indicate Trump said McCain is not a hero BECAUSE he was a POW.

What Trump meant was McCain is not a hero simply because of the fact he was a POW.

That tape is from TODAY.

Trump isn’t backing down one bit.
He’s on a roll.

Btw, another great Trump speech.
McCain calling millions of Trump’s supporters “Crazies” is just over the top.

It’s true.

McCain’s treasonous ways as AZ Senator was always given a pass because he was in the Hanoi Hilton. As if nobody else ever was.

McCain is one pompous ass that needs a good smackdown.

DT is the one to do it. Hopefully he has the details on McCains tenure in the Navy and will go public at the right time for maximum embarrassment to McCain.

John McCain has done more to ruin this country than almost anyone else I can think of. It’s high time everyone knows just what kind of ‘hero’ he really was.

Rather than being held up as a hero (by the anti-American media no less), his true colors should be shown for all to see.

The question is how does McCain get a pass calling millions of American’s who support Trump, “Crazies”?

Crazies? Really?

Terrific interview. Trump’s stock just rised another notch.

Can you name five other people held captive in the Hanoi Hilton?
Can you name five other Naval pilots from Vietnam?
Can you name 25 people who served in Vietnam?
If you think about it, this makes it very clear what Trump meant.
We know John was a “War Hero” because John and his supporters keep reminding us of it.

Exactly Trump likes the truth, he has no time for the bull. Least politically correct politician ever.

And McCain is no hero look what he has done to this country, he is a disgrace.

Bottom line for me is, Trump can win, and I don’t believe that of anyone one else. The GOP party bosses want to give the nomination to Bush and that will mean a President Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump came across as very sincere and very credible. He is not a clown. He’s not the most conservative guy running but he’s the most earnest along with Cruz. IMO.

He’s more sincere than even Ted Cruz, and it’s immediately, essentially, apparent that he is an America First Nationalist.

Anymore that’s about all we can ask for.

Thank you for the link to the to Trumps appearance. I am liking him more each day.

Trump/Cruz sounds pretty good. I like Cruz also but I know that Trump would not take the position of Vice President.

Congratulations, Republicans. You built this.