
Friday Night Jam: Snarky Puppy Feat. Magda Giannikou, "Amour T'es Là"

Blind Frog Belly White4/23/2016 11:43:10 am PDT

re: #401 HappyWarrior

My Irish born third great grandfather actually became a pretty respected man in 19th century North side Pittsburgh. He and his son ended up being named as postmasters of the township where they lived in the Buchanan and Cleveland administrations. I mean it’s just crap to compare the two situations. I have no doubt at all that it wasn’t always easy for them as Irish Catholics in a country predominately Protestant of British and German descent but it wasn’t even close to what African-Americans have experienced.

This is why the line in Blazing Saddles - “We’ll take the N*****s and the Ch*nks, but we DON’T WANT THE IRISH!” is funny. They may not have been ‘wanted’, but they sure got accepted fast! Usually within a generation.