
El Marco: Ward Churchill Trial in Denver

Gus3/09/2009 7:47:57 pm PDT

re: #387 mikalm

I can see that. It’s a method for “masculinizing” an otherwise ordinary pseudo-intellectual. In certain circles it is strongly emphasized to study “alternative” political structure to bolster their peer acceptance. Usually they have leader in their packs which include “big momma” type, college professors, authors, etc. Of course what follows is a long course of the perpetual student with a mountain of student loans and if they’re lucky, grants. Also what follows is a strong of unemployment benefits and/or disability claims.

Now that makes me think about Obama’s talk about “free college” which will only feed into this subculture. Thus I could see that working people will sustain this sub-culture. The college-welfare state citizenry may soon be around the corner.