
Overnight Open Thread

razorbacker6/01/2009 6:10:26 am PDT

It is a measure of modern society that citizens now can afford not to consider where their food actually comes from. We have the luxury of not getting our hands dirty in the soil, or bloody from the slaughterhouse.

We do not have to question the amount of pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers that make our fields economically possible.

We do not have to wonder what happens to the living creatures that once inhabited what now is flat, level, plowed field.

We don’t have to worry about the channelization of once free-flowing streams to water our crops.

We are removed from the process. Milk comes from the dairy cases. Eggs are located in one of those twelve-compartmented cartons. Meat’s natural covering is a clear poly-wrap. Peas naturally are found in nice, clean cans or plastic packages. Strawberries just appear; they come in little plastic tubs.

That ain’t the way it really is.