
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

Dark_Falcon1/05/2010 8:34:03 pm PST

re: #396 brainwizard73

Grand scheme of things:

ACORNs scandals for fraudulent voter registration in mutiple states in which their people or the organization itself is under indictment and the famous videos that, at best, show ACORNers promoting all sorts of bad things after allegedly trying to do the right thing…(you won’t let me help you? How about I find a way to keep you have having to pay taxes!)


A worthless and stupid report that was inaccurate.

It is easy to see where the more weighty charges reside. It doesn’t excuse sloppieness or stupidity, but there is a mountain waiting to turn back into a mole hill here.

As for ACORN, it only has itself to blame.

Still, those who ppose them should keep in mind what they actually are, and not turn them into a boogyman. They are a leftist organization, but not part of a conspiracy.