
Super Bowl Sunday Night Open

Schroedinger's Dog2/07/2010 9:19:39 pm PST

re: #381 cliffster

re: #397 SanFranciscoZionist

OK. Thank you for explaining your thoughts on this, I appreciate the insight and the courtesy.

I also apologize if I seemed blunt in asking—sometimes I just can’t think of any elegant way to address issues.

I agree that we need to be careful about the kind of language we use around here, and that a group consensus about a person such as Palin does give people more leeway to say out-of-line things.

Luckily, we have a good group. And Charles.

I concur. I didn’t see it when the fecal material first hit the rotating oscillator, but as people explained their reasoning, I realized I was out of line and apologized. I hope we can just let this go, until of course, I make some other joke that people are offended by, at which point I will apologize again.