
Overnight Open Thread

Buck8/12/2010 12:59:50 pm PDT

re: #379 Obdicut

Clearly you don’t know anything about me. You are twisting what I am saying.

Did you accuse me of saying that there were ONLY moderate christians at the counter protests? Did you do it BEFORE I said that sentence that confused you? Did you lie about what I said?

Of course you didn’t lie. You were confused. AND instead of accepting the simple clarification I gave, you are going on and on… name calling and being person about it.

You have hijacked what I said, to distort it beyond what I was talking about, and tried to make me say what YOU want me to say.

Someone said that they have never seen moderate christians protest against Phelp and his perverted group. I said they had, and gave an example.

This isn’t really about muslims protesting…. it is about giving credit to moderate christians AND OTHERS (fine) for making their objection to Phelps and his band of villians known.

I am done with you. If in the future if you try and engage me, I will ignore you. Do not think that means you are right, you probably are not. However I am making a list of people who are on ignore for me. If you wish, you can do the same for me.