
Crack in the Far Right World

403 8:52:09 pm PDT

re: #383 windsagio

I just don’t get the idea that things you owe to others are still yours.

It just does not compute.

And it doesn’t compute to me, that the things I earn aren’t mine, but belong to someone else.

If the law says I am obligated to pay X tax, I will do it.

And be very grateful for living in this country, where middle-class me is richer beyond the wildest dreams of many many people in the rest of the world.

But I’ve earned it; it’s mine. I pay what the government says I owe as my part of the contract for our society. It’s the “price” government has set on the services and benefits I receive. If Ford says pay this if you want this car, and I want the car, I will pay it. The money doesn’t belong to Ford until I have paid it.