
CPAC 2011, Day 2

Jadespring2/11/2011 2:32:02 pm PST

Beck stuff. LOL

Socialist communist extremist islam and community organizers eg THE GOOGLE GUY

THE GOOGLE GUY IS A COMMUNITY ORGANIZER— it’s imperative that you understand how this community organizing works.

“Community organizing is the key. These countries have the Muslim Brotherhood. Google executive admits that he’s putting it altogether. The most important aspect to understand is that this is not spontaneous and it will cascade throughout the middle east. I hope to God not but I bet it touches Europe and then the world. It will not have a singular ideology but it will mean revolution, destruction and change. And it will be led by young people (said in an ominous tone) because anyone over thirty knows that chaos doesn’t usually lead any place good.

Take the President at his election promise. Here he is on the campaign trail. —-clip Obama “If you’ll stand with me. And fight by my side. And cast your ballot for me I will promise you this. We will not just win Missouri, we will win the general election and together we will change this country and change the world.——

We’re changing the world and you are being intentionally mislead. It shows the bias people have. Yes tehre is a dictator out of power but what are we trading it for. They are ignoring any possible threat to what Egypt may turn into, they are constantly on the look out for Tea Party rhetoric and violence except they won’t look into violent rhetoric and ACTUAL calls for violence and revolution in America. (ppoints to a bunch of picture on a blackboard). It doesn’t make sense. But it does if you know who is running our intelligence community….”