
Video: Romney Insists He Was Right About Allowing the Auto Industry to Go Bankrupt

Guanxi886/14/2011 4:21:40 pm PDT

re: #400 Obdicut


But you do. You’ve got a deficit. You know that, right?

The problem I was pointing out was the harm to educational standards. It has nothing to do with spending and taxation. I have no clue why you keep thinking it does, other than that you probably can’t actually defend the damage done to the educational standards and would prefer to focus elsewhere.

Just guessing, of course. Maybe you actually don’t think that the fucking up of the educational system to serve a religious agenda is a problem.

Yes, Texas has a deficit. The big debate now is whether we tap our Rainy Day fund to cover it. See, we’ve got money we don’t spend - a novel concept, and one that should be more widely adopted.

The whole theocratic boogeyman arguments sound impressive, but the fact is, they hold no water here, because no one is going to do anything to screw up what works, and Texas, in its current form, works.

And I’d repeat my suggestion to you, as one who lives here, the East Texas bible-belters are pandered to, but they hold precious little clout here. Kiko Canseco (Republican, San Antonio) talks the talk of a holy-roller, and votes Chamber of Commerce every time.

If you can’t understand the necessity of throwing out boob bait for the bubbas to keep the ballots the way you want them, then you’re terribly naive, and you, sir, are many things, but naive is not one of them.