
Overnight Video: How a Bicycle Is Made (1945)

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)5/20/2012 10:32:50 am PDT

re: #398 Daniel Ballard

And so Sat has a legit point.

No, he doesn’t.

Those guys may or may not self limit to web site hacks.

It’s not about self-limiting. It’s about how hard it is to do. It’s very, very hard to get into dedicated systems and proprietary stuff. you generally have to know it very well already, otherwise you have no clue what it is you’re even doing in there.

The number of people that could crack into something like, the stock exchange, or a banking system, and actually do anything— like transfer money from an account— is incredibly small.

Anon or not. And this Chicago deal seems to be a strong focus for these activists. Some of which are very capable hackers.

How capable? Attacking a website is script kiddie shit. How do you know that they’re very capable hackers?