
Who Cares About a Dead Lemur?

Walter L. Newton5/21/2009 5:09:15 pm PDT

re: #349 SixDegrees

So, what’s your take on Lost? Not much in the way of answers or explanations, although some things got placed into a context. A brand new context that raises far more questions that what were already outstanding. Bastard writers. Now I have 8 months of withdrawal to suffer through to see how they’re going to pull all this together.

Nice to get Rose, Bernard and Vincent’s whereabouts resolved, even if it was a little patchy. I loved the whole, “No, we’re not interested in you never-ending turmoil; we’re retired” brush-off.

I suspect that, whatever the final resolution is, it won’t fit comfortably with any of the theories being bandied about so far. It seems to me that the writer’s are writing their own story, not re-telling someone elses, as some have suggested.


There was many things explained, maybe more than you realize. They have been saying “dead is dead” for years now. Well, the anti-Jacob explains all that. Not only has he appeared as Locke, that explains seeing Charlie, Christian, Claire, Yemi, that Dharma chick and Kate’s horse. That also explains why the “Others” are so concerned with making sure someone who dies is BURIED, or else anti-Jacob can appear as a simulacrum of that person/thing.

The statue is of Taweret, we know who has been doing all the manipulation all this time, Jacob and anti-Jacob. Young Locke never recognized the compass when he was a little boy, because Locke never gave Richard the compass, it was anti-Locke. Illana and Braum are off-island “Others.” They did change the future, in that they enabled everything to happen. If they had not tried what they did, nothing would have been the same. For a matter of fact, the best way Jack could have stopped everything from happening was to do nothing.

Locke has been his own self-fulfilling prophecy, no one ever said he should be the leader, he said it himself. Jacob brought the Black Rock to the Island. This “chess game” has been going on for ages. Dharma was given an example of what they needed to do to prevent a major problem in the future, they built a “failsafe” into the Swan Station in the future. A nuclear failsafe, which Desmond used.

I could go on and on.

They answers a lot of questions. And, the most important is John Locke is dead, and we won’t be seeing him as anything but the anti-Locke. He was a pasty, all along, never meant to be great.