

lawhawk1/28/2010 7:42:02 am PST

re: #379

I found the ACORN videos to be representative of the kinds of people I used to deal with from ACORN and WFP when I worked in the NYS legislature (used to deal with the NYC and Brooklyn offices, who would bus up people to Albany to press their issues). That they would push unethical and display a moral and ethical flexibility was not surprising to say the least.

The videos stand separate and distinct from the LA case, which should result in the book being thrown at O’Keefe, et al. They were preparing to tamper with the phone systems in some fashion, and the federal penalties are significant on that. Even if you agree that Landrieu’s office was playing fast and loose with their intake of calls on health care (disabling them), the route O’Keefe was taking to show that the office was engaging in some kind of disingenuous activity was illegal and wouldn’t have proven misconduct in any case.