
Anti-AGW 'Expert' in UK Parliament Inquiry: Another Energy Industry Shill

sattv4u23/06/2010 5:57:27 pm PST

re: #369 iceweasel

Exactly, the rate increase may be invisible to sattv, but it’s there and in one way or another his employer is eating it. So is he, he just hasn’t recognised it.

Please don’t patronize me with the “he just hasn’t recognized it’

I told you almost to the penny what I and my ermployer pays now and 11 years ago. Prior to that, I weas self employed. I can tell you almost to the penny what i paid per month then (BC/BS) and almost to the penny what i kicked in for my employees. Give me a couple of days to go through some old files and i will tell yiou TO the penny what it was