
Rand Paul: Israeli Foreign Aid is 'Welfare'

Jadespring2/04/2011 8:32:06 pm PST

re: #390 marjoriemoon

hehehe He shoulda been nicer to you guys :)

I was gonna say, anyone can grow pot, but the strains they have today are pretty outa sight. They’re like government grade. Then there’s hydroponics which I know nothing about, only that it’s grown without soil. Of course, pot isn’t the only thing grown like that. Most vine vegetables can too, yes? I’m not sure.

It’s not hard to grow pot, but I think there’s probably a difference between dirt weed and OMG.

You can grow pretty much anything with hydroponics.

As for difference between dirt and hydro grown. LOL Can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat (stoned) and listened to that debate. Hydro is easier to control but there are many who swear by dirt grown from XXX region or town. In BC there are places who get higher prices for the pot grown in their ‘dirt’ because of it’s particular qualities.